Fall Meeting - 1998
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FACE Investigators, CO2 Tanks and Vaporization Towers
The Northern Forest Ecosystem Experiment (NFEE) is funded by the US Forest Service. The Aspen FACE Experiment is funded principally by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Biological and Environmental Research. Additional support is from the USFS Global Change Program, Michigan Technological University, the Canadian Forest Service and the USFS Northern Research Station.
For more information on this project, contact Dr. Andrew J. Burton (Michigan Technological University) at (906) 487-2566 or mailto:ajburton@mtu.edu, or Dr. Mark E. Kubiske (Northern Research Station) at (715) 362-1108 or mailto:mkubiske@fs.fed.us.
For questions or suggestions regarding this website, please contact Janet Pikkarainen at mailto:jmpikkar@mtu.edu.
Last updated: July, 2010